'Oh! God'
I cried out because I could see nothing.
I looked around for any source of light but found none.
I moved forward, I met with a wall.  
Wall made of rocks.
I turned around, again walking into the darkness.

As I went further I heard the shrill cries of babies, men and women that were bruised all over and were still being bruised by an unseen force. No I mean to say Evil.

I closed my ears so tight but the noise got worse. I dropped my hands in frustration when the noise of the cries sounded like it was from within me. 
I started crying. I cried so hard. The tears did not stop. 
It came harder.

I turned to my right. Maybe this time I will get it right. I will know what is wrong with me or what this is all about.
Instead the darkness at my right consumed me.
Yes, this whole place freaks me out but right now I feel so overwhelmed by the darkness.
It feels human.
It hugged me so tight, I couldn't breathe.
It was as it was in the beginning.
Before creation.

I can no longer describe this darkness with my words. Go to Genesis chapter One verse Two(Gen 1:2). Yes! The Message Version.
              'INKY BLACKNESS'.
'Oh! God', I screamed out of fear.
'I can take this no more'.

I immediately turned around but I regretted I did.
I heard the sound like the roaring of the lion, laughing at me. Ah, it's the Enemy!
The sound echoed and made the whole place vibrate.
The sound vibrated through my body, soul and mind.
I couldn't contain it anymore, so I fell to my knees and wept!
'What exactly have I done to deserve this?'
I kept asking questions. Questions that echoed back to my ears.

There's no where I turned to that I wasn't horror struck.
More tears fell as I thought of a way out of my mess. 

Then I remembered ABBA.
That loving Father.
Oh! Will He take me back as I am.
I'm so weary and brokenhearted.
My Spirit is also broken.

Then I started my confessions.
Stating all my known sins and asking for the cleansing of all my wrongdoings, whether known or unknown.

'I have a stony heart. Like that of a rock. Perform a surgery in my Spirit man', I cried out, this time with hope. 'Cut out my stony heart oh Lord, and replace it with a firm-muscled heart'.

I cried more when I recounted how my words cut into the soul of men and had caused their death.
'Oh, how I have with my words brought the world to ruins. I ruined the creatures of ABBA. I'm so guilty of murder. I have killed so many young lives through abortion'.
'Ah Baba! I have separated myself from your love' I groaned like a pregnant woman in labour.
'I had allowed the enemy into my heart and all I see is nothing but darkness'.

'ABBA Father, save me from this abyss.
I need Salvation'. I cried out into the night.

Then He spoke 'Light!' into my heart and light appeared. The whole place shone.
Light has shone into my heart.

'Because you have realised yourself and have called out to me, I remove from you every reproach.
I forgive you your transgressions my daughter'

His words soothed my soul and brought healing to my broken spirit and He lifted me up from my doom.
He separated me from darkness 'Inky Blackness' into this marvellous light.

This is what it feels like!
Oh, what Joy!
It's a New Dawn!

Genesis 1:1-5 (MSG Version).


  1. Hallelujah! "The Light shines and darkness can not comprehend it", Amen!!This is a must encounter to any light desired life.

    1. Oh Yes!
      Darkness never stands Light, especially when that light is Jesus.

      I really do appreciate your presence and your thought so much.


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