Modus Vivendi. A lifestyle.
Valuable Modus Vivendi. A worthy manner of living.
The things you do that makes your manner of living full of worth:
1. Saying Thank You.
What does it mean to say thank you?
Let me describe 'thank you' in four words:
Deep Expression of Appreciation.
It shows you are one person full of worth when you 'say thank you'.
Let's break the habit of not saying thank you to people. People who have in one way or the other helped you. Even if it's done in their own little way.
To People. Friends. Family. Your expression of appreciation must be deep.
Even to God.
Saying thank you to the One who has in all His Sovereignty shown His love to us means a lot.
Thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.
Thank GOD! Call out his Name! Tell the whole world who he is and what he's done!
1Chr .16:8(MSG)
Enter with the password: "Thank you!" Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him.
Thanking God keeps bitterness at bay.
Saying thank you has a lot of benefits.
2. Uphold your self esteem.
Don't belittle yourself. Do not look down on yourself.
Love yourself. Love your makeup. I mean your Physical composition.
3. Smile always.
'Sometimes ba, us smiling cheers up people'.
Showing off your white teeth doesn't make you mad😁.
Only when you show it in an absolute abnormal condition makes you abnormal.
4. Be happy.
This is so for your health.
A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired.
5. Give honour
Give honour to those in whom the Lord has put you in their care.
When you give honour, you will be honoured back.
Giving honour entails alot: Showing respect, trying not to argue even when right, being obedient, praying for them, be around when needed, having a close relationship with them.
The day I gained more light on Ephesians 6:1, verse that I had always recited, I knew I had not known what honour is.
Honour means so much more than I had been doing.
It became so much of a burden in my heart and I prayed about it. I told the Father to help me give honour to whom honour is due.
6. Make daily confessions.
Profess positive words with your mouth and in your heart believe them.
Confession is a form of prayer. Let it be made into your present situation and Future.
Let it be a habit.
7. Do something with your life.
Whoever the devil finds idle, he makes use of.
Whatever the devil has for your life and mine is definitely not what we are going to like because he is full of evil schemes.
Let your mind be filled with things of God.
Plan things.
Let your hands find something to do. It's dangerous not to.
8. Obey God's Commandments
Yes each and every of the commandments in Exodus chapter 20 from verse 1 to 18.
It's not outdated. It can never be.
Keep them written in your hearts and bring forth fruitful actions.
9. Read books
In books you find insight and wisdom thereby gaining knowledge.
Okay! Not just any book.
Reading Godly books; either inspirational, Motivational, or Stories, makes one improve on so many things.
Reading books enhances your speaking skills and writing skills.
You don't love to read? At least try reading a book per year. Start with that.
It helps o.
10. Read the Bible daily
If you say you don't love reading books, "It's a gift", "I'm not blessed with the gift of reading"...and all those excuses.
This one is a 'Must Read'. It's where you gain more real insight about the life you ought to live as a Christian.
I classified the Bible under a book ehn! It's more than an ordinary book anyway.
It's a living sword in form of a book.
So you see hidden treasures are found in books especially this one.
11. Memorize and meditate on the word.
Inscribe the words into your hearts.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
12. Share your faith with others.
Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Keep quiet not on this matter. Let the whole world know whom you believe in. Who you stand for and also bring them into the fold.
And this is an assignment given to everyone. Not to only specific persons we call 'Man of God'.
Whatever your vocation, job, calling or position might be, share your faith.
Let the gospel spread, for that's what we live for.
13. Give to the needy.
Give and it shall come back to you.
More than you gave will be given to you.
14. Cast your burdens upon Him.
He created us. I mean Abba formed us for His Purpose.
The Almighty Abba intentionally brought us to being.
So He never loves it when we have a lot of burden and cast Him out of the equation.
The equation will never be solved without bringing Him in. He cares for us so much.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Pet.5:7(NIV)
15. Fear God
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Fearing God entails seeing Him as our Lord and Savior. He knew us even before we came into being.
It means to Love God with the whole of your heart.
And He says if you love me, keep my Commandments.
If you fear someone, you would love to obey all that has been laid down by the person.
There are more than One thousand and one things you do that shows you have a Valuable Modus Vivendi.
Check within yourself, Look around you, you will see the simple things that count and together with the mentioned ones, write them out.
Paste them on your walls, in your hearts and doorposts.
Let it be etched in your heart forever!
Thank you.
Thank you too♥️.