I just thought to share my experience while teaching a young boy with you. It's a very short story and you're going to gain a lot from this.
But before sharing, happy teacher's day. I value Teachers. I value Grace. I've come to respect them so much. They deserve all the honour.
So during the urgent break, I started home lesson. I'm a teacher, not by profession though and I love so much to impact into another's life.
That was one of the things I enjoyed doing during the break and since the lesson had been put to a stop, I miss my students greatly. I also learnt from them.
There was this particular kid that I taught hard. There was no method I didn't try to use for this boy to grasp the teachings. From teaching gently to recordings (I had to change the multiplication tables, two(2) and three(3) letters word to voice recordings) to charts( I used a calendar) to praying, all to aid learning. But no, there was no change. No noticeable change.
This boy refused to improve. I was tired already. I came to the conclusion that I could not teach little kids, so I concentrated more on my other students. I left the little kids like him to just reading figures and letters, writing them and giving them homework.
But I became surprised when the mother saw me one day and started thanking me, 'Aunty, we see so much improvement and we appreciate you. Thank you for taking this kid as your kid and impacting knowledge into his life'. Hehei! Is this woman trying to be sarcastic?
Well, since she was so sure she's seeing improvements, I had to thank her too.
'Thank you ma. It's great hearing such good news. God helped him and he also helped himself. I'm happy to hear that'. After I said that, we exchanged more greetings and I went my way.
But I was still not sure the boy had improved. He's just the same away he came. No change at all.
The day I saw the improvement I couldn't be happier. I was so elated. I gave him sums and he got it. He was even trying to correct another. Great improvement indeed.
I stopped using harsh tones because I had seen a noticeable change.
So all I have been doing is not useless. I had been making impacts. The change just wasn't noticeable.
1) Our actions, no matter how little leave impacts. We shouldn't be discouraged when it seems there's no improvement.
But you have to make sure what you do is positive, so the results can be positive.
See what God has to say in Joshua 1:9
Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. GOD, your God, is with you every step you take."
2) Be an optimist, don't be a pessimist.
3) Keep going, never get tired.
4) If you get tired, keep trying your best. Use all the methods there is to achieving your best.
5) Don't stop going even when it seems you've not achieved your best.
If you've not yet casted your burdens on the Saviour, then these lessons will be so difficult to cultivate.
It becomes easier when you drop your yoke to carry His(Christ).
He's saying in Mathew.11:28-30,
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
And in Psalm.55.22,
Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail).
6) Abba is always so happy when there's a noticeable change in a man.
Heaven rejoices over any soul that repenteth. Your improvement spiritually makes heaven to rejoice. Are we making improvements or stagnant or going back?
Happy New Week!