It's less than 6 hours, as in 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then off the lighting goes๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ, here comes 2021.
We've made it through 2020 already and it calls for celebration ๐ฅณ๐ฅณ.
It's a year filled with experiences and challenges.
A year of ups and down.
I'm sure if we were given a two-page note to write about 2020, the page will be filled up.
We all have a story to tell.
But in all, we have to be grateful to God.
It's not as if we're entering into another world if we enter 2021, but we are embarking on another 365-day journey with fresh goals and strategies.
And this time around, we have to make sure nothing holds us back from fulfilling those goals.
Peradventure it happens that by July 2021 you're still yet to fulfill your goals, still make it happen.
2021 will be a different year if only you will also be different.
I mean, if you need to learn a skill to fulfill a goal, please do.
Don't sit and all you say in 2021 is I want to own a fashion school, whereas you're not even skilled in fashion designing.
"If you want 2021 to be different, you have to be different too"
Thank you so much friends for everything.
It was great meeting you all in 2020.
We meet and do more in 2021.
I pray 2021 be a year of JUBILEE for us all๐๐ผ.
May the Peace of God which passeth all understanding keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus(Phil4:7).
Happy New Year in advance ๐!
Thank you too๐.