Sometimes I wonder if I'm the Father in Luke 15:11-32, what my response would be.
Would I send the boy back to continue feeding on his collected share of inheritance or allow him into my home, as a son?
Would I throw a party for him?
Or be like the older brother?
I would definitely get angry.
I might not even give him the share he's asking of.
He couldn't even wait till the Father was dead.
Immediately after he was given his share, what did he do?
He got together all he had, set off on a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.
Two things you should notice about the Prodigal son:
- He was never convinced about his father's belief and teachings.
- His circle of friends was a No-No.
His eyes opened to the truth when he spent all that he had and he began to be in want.
The people he called friends left him.
They were useless to him and to themselves.
Someone who has servants who get work done for him became one who feed swine for a living.
He even longed to eat of the food of the pigs.
"Don't wait until you're brought to a very humiliating experience, before you learn your lesson"
Don't wait until you're brought to a very humiliating experience, before you learn your lesson, but learn your lesson anyway.
Learn your lesson anyway.
Don't wait, but if you do, learn your lesson anyway.
Like the prodigal son did.
He repented of his wrong, arose and went back to his country, to meet his father.
You know what?
The father did not do like I said I might do.
He saw his son first, while he was still afar off.
Took great compassion on him, ran and kissed his son.
A Loving, Compassionate and a Gracious Father.
He did more than kissing him.
He threw the best party, at the time, for his son.
But when the older son came back from the field and realized that the father threw a party for his prodigal brother, he was very much unhappy.
He spends all his strength working for the father and doing as the father pleased but never for a day had a party been thrown for him.
This looks familiar.
It happens.
From the older son's story:
- The Father is happy that we walk according to His will.
- But He wants all to partake from what we enjoy too.
- So never feel bad that He rejoices more for the other. You know if one-quarter of your saving is missing, you get happier when you find it than you have ever been. It's not as though you're not happy having the rest, but you want to be assured you have all of your saving saved.
- Everything the Father has is ours.
So be happy for another who has come to full repentance.
The Father's Loving nature is overwhelming.
He loves unconditionally.
His love is undescribable but the Psalmist described His love the best way he understood and felt;
'For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him;
As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.'
He loves so deep like that.
Let us, coming to the full assurance of His overwhelming love, live like Him and not like the sons.
Luke15:11-32; Psalm 103:11-12.