

To trust is to have faith or confidence in something or someone.

In this case, to rely on someone.
To expect and wish something from them.

Is it a crime to rely on a human being?
What if they don't live up to their promises?

Let us not get hurt when the people we depend on for a lot of things, disappoints at the end of the day.


Because you don't know what it is they are fighting too.
They are humans. 
They are fallible.

They can do nothing for you on their own strength.

If you become too hurt, do these:

1) Empathize.
This is a way of putting yourself in the person's shoes.

2) Pray for the person.
If hurting will not stop you from hurting and will not make you get what you are in dire need of, prayer would work.

But there is just one soothing thing I want you to know.

'Where humans fail, God never fails'.

Trust in Him above every other.

You would only be wasting your time and energy trusting, if you do not trust TRUST Himself๐Ÿ‘Œ.

It is better to trust the one who knows the end from the beginning.

It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in man.
 It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in princes.
                                                   Psalm 118.8-9.

When you trust Him to do everything, you will always be at peace.

You will never for once be hurt.

'How do I go about trusting God'๐Ÿคท

Just BELIEVE that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ever ask or imagine.

You can only BELIEVE someone you have a relationship with.
So having a relationship with Him is a first and important.

Drown yourself in His word too.

What do you think about Trust?
Let me have your thoughts in the comment box, thank you.


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