Go Ahead Anyway😂.
It is usually said that there is only one purpose for which a woman was created; and that is, ending up in the kitchen, taking care of the home, and doing nothing more.
Sure, a woman will cook, take care of her home bit is that all there is to her?
Women are creatures of God too.
Which means they are also called to fulfill a purpose same as it is given to men.
They need not become the head of the home to fulfill their calling.
Thank God some women have gone ahead to show that we are not any weakling.
The likes of Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Chimamanda Adichie, Ibukun Awosika, Gloria Bamiloye are proofs that women are made to serve a purpose too.
We are only what we call ourselves.
We can be strong 💪!!
Even if you become a full housewife, you have a purpose other than to only sit around the house doing nothing.
Let me give you a hint of what you can do if you love to cook; you can put up videos of you teaching others how to cook a particular meal on Youtube. You will be helping those that need help and be earning as well.
But if you say, 'I do have a lot of money, I don't need to work anymore, then you do not understand what Purpose is.
Purpose is not about you earning alone, but first fulfilling God's call.
You should stand up, arise and take care of God's business.
Do it for others.
Tell others about God.
Visit the less-privileged.
Be a problem-solver and not a problem or a problem-giver.
Do giveaways😉.
Be a blessing to your generation.
So that your children will not get to ask you, 'Mummy, why were you created sef? Is it to marry my Dad, give birth to me, and then sit at home all day doing nothing?' Or, telling their friends, 'I don't want to be like my mummy'.
A Proverbs 31 Lady is a diligent woman.
She wakes up while it is still dawn to get things in order.
She is not idle.
She clothes herself with Grace, Strength, and Honor.
Her children call her blessed.
Her husband praises her.
Desire to be a Proverbs 31 Lady, today.
NB: Do understand that I'm only encouraging you not to be idle but to fulfill purpose in your single days and even while in your husband's home.
God's blessings 🤗.
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