Once upon a town in Jerusalem, religiosity was the order of the day.
We go daily to the synagogue, we can recite the mosaic law from the beginning to the end.
I can probably recite it from my sleep because since I was a young child, I have been going to the synagogue.
But everyone is not as holy as they claimed.
Even my Papa who claims to be a teacher in the synagogue had a room with a calf statue which he bowed to daily - morn and noon.
My Mama, thinking I do not see her, brings home stolen dresses from the neighbours and comes home to say she bought them.
I am not exempted.
I was a prostitute.
You would like to call me an adulterer.
Yes, I was. Even though I had not married, adultery and fornication are termed together as 'Adultery' in our town.
Then I started hearing of Him.
His friends and students call him 'Rabbi'.
There has been one before Him. He claimed to have come to teach us and prepare our hearts for the birth and ministry of this 'Rabbi'.
He said he must decrease and the Rabbi must increase.
It did not make sense to me, then.
I understand the statement, now.
A time came, I became so sick of everything.
But I did not know the right person to go to.
Is it my Papa who teaches the mosaic law, yet, one of those who go against it?
Or one of the scribes whom I had already been in adultery with?
Nothing seemed true again.
I was no more satisfied with just going to the synagogue, but since I had no choice, I had to continue with my life.
While others were preparing for the coming feast, I locked myself in my room, I was feeling empty.
On the day of the feast, my vibes returned, and I had the urge to celebrate this day in the arms of a man.
But before I left, I had to arrange the dining room, where visitors will stay and dine the feast away.
'Wear this tiara, I bought them for you'
My mama told me. I collected it and hugged her, even though I knew she stole it.
I was shocked as I got dragged out of the bed, where I was with a man, into the synagogue, where the Rabbi was teaching.
I was ashamed. I was scared.
Shame filled my whole body.
I hated myself and would have loved it that the ground swallowed me up.
I had committed a big crime, with dire consequences.
This is what is in the mosaic law;
'Anyone caught committing adultery will be stoned to death -both the adulterer and the adulteress.'
The scribes and teachers of the synagogue brought me before the Rabbi. I fell facedown, ashamed of looking at disappointed faces, hate full faces.
'Rabbi, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now It is said in the mosaic law to stone such a woman to death, what do you say we do?'
The Rabbi looked at them, looked at the people he was teaching, then looked at me, but kept quiet.
The people waited to hear what the Rabbi will say.
I knew they were testing the Rabbi, but I wanted too badly for him to say the right words.
I wanted him to help me.
He stood up and stooped to the ground.
He then wrote on the ground with his finger.
Everyone strained their necks to see what he was writing, but relaxed when they could see nothing.
The scribes and teachers mumbled, 'What is He doing now?'
'Won't He talk'
'Maybe he's scared to.'
They laughed and mocked him.
Some minutes passed before He raised Himself and said, 'He who has never trespassed the mosaic law should be the first to throw a stone at her. Go ahead. Pick up a stone, and throw it at her.'
After He said that, he stooped down again and cleaned what he was writing, to rewrite.
I was shaking.
I would die, and it would be a painful death.
I bowed my head and a tear fell to the dry ground.
I was sad Rabbi could not do something.
'Woman, where is everyone? No one threw a stone yet?'
I raised my head to the realisation that everyone who wanted me stoned had left. I was marvelled at the Rabbi's wisdom.
He knew just the right words to save me.
I was filled with Joy.
I ran to hold the hem of his robe.
'Rabbi. Great one. No one threw a stone at me. All thanks to you.'
I was crying as I held him tightly, waiting for him to reply to me.
'I will not throw a stone either. You are no more condemned. For there is no more condemnation for those who abide by my rules. Go and do not go back to your vomit.'
He covered me up with his robe and held out his hand.
I put my little hands in his and he raised me to my feet.
Since then, my life has changed.
He cleaned off my past, and on a fresh slate wrote my new name, GRACE.
I am no more the same.
Filled with eternal joy, I ran home to tell my people.
While I was running, I prayed for my Papa and My mama.
Rom.8.1 - There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
John 8:1-11
God's blessings 🤗
Thank you for reading🤗