Guys, I did it Afraid💪!

The first time I partook in an oratory contest, I was chosen to represent my Association (A group of churches in the Baptist denomination is called Association), so you could tell I didn't choose to go on my own.

Before 2018, I never watched oratory contests or even public speaking, because 'it looked boring'. So I thought.

Even when we go for conferences, I don't seem to always enjoy that particular part of the programme (I'm strange right?)

Well, I didn't understand what I was missing. Even as an ordinary audience.

In 2018, when I was told to participate in a contest, I vehemently refused. 

I had a lot of excuses.

-I was never present for an oratory contest.
-I never even participated in one before.
-I was not interested in going to a contest.

And, I was going to represent a whole Association. Which means, my loss is their loss, and my gain their gain.

So I said 'No', but the Association's President convinced me.

I accepted to do it and said I wasn't sure though.

Although I accepted, I didn't prepare for the contest early. 

But I went anyways.

I became very scared, as the time of the contest drew closer and we had to go up to the stage.

My hands became instantly cold, but my neck's was hot. You know what happens when you're nervous nah.

But I stood behind the lectern and spoke.

I still had fears, but I faced my fears head-on.

And for a first-timer, I came out well.

I was the second runner-up. This stirred my spirit.

Back then, I saw no reason to take part in the contest, but since the contest taught me a lot, I saw reasons for taking part. 

I understood that God had not given me the Spirit of fear, but the Spirit to face the fear and be an overcomer.

I listened to other people spoke and I saw the place of development and knowledge.

The second contest came, and this time around I had a choice.

You have to decide to participate before your name will be registered as a participant.

It took a lot of effort to decide to go. 

Well, I participated and this time around I was the third runner-up.

It was not just a contest for me. I saw it as a place of training and even beyond that. 

At my Second Oratory Contest. Don't mind the blurriness of the picture.

I made resolutions, too.

Resolutions like learning new words, idioms, watching news...

I made those resolutions because I hope to be better.
They can't be done unless I take actions on them, though.


Why is it that fear is taking hold of you, and not allowing you take on that project that would help you?

Fear won't go by cowering, but by facing it.

God's Blessings🤗!
