The other day, I was elated about the fact that my phone was experiencing changes.

There were some Apps that I would have loved to have on my phone, but because my phone was yet to be updated, I was unable to get those Apps.

Until it got updated did I know that my phone could become more.

I also noticed that it was when I gave my permission, that my phone started experiencing those changes.

Changes I call GROWTH.

One of the Apps that came with the update was Font Swap.

If I had not permitted myself to be developed and to learn, I would not know that I have the power and the ability to BE more.

Being a writer/blogger is one of the many ways that I hope to impact lives.

Allow me to share some lessons from my One year journey as a writer/blogger.

🎯 Just like one of my Sisters would say, 'We keep pushing! We show up!', I have learnt that 'showing up' is consistency.

Consistent is not giving up, but being there. Showing up even in not-so-good circumstances.

🎯  When the Bible said, 'the nations shall come to your light, and Kings to the brightness of your rising,' it was not talking to people that are not ready to walk in purpose. 
Nations(Destinies) are tied to your neck. If you refuse to come to the light of your purpose, then those nations will remain in the dark, except you are replaced.

🎯 I had the opportunity of meeting Great Minds in the Social Media space. 
You don't have to wait to see someone physically before you relate to them.

You will just lose some good relationships that you might never get to have physically.

Look out for kindred spirits.

🎯 'A man's gifts open doors for him and ushers him into the presence of the Great' indeed.

Keep up with the skill development. Keep being diligent. Keep showing up.

In my one year journey, I've become; A Health content creator, Dear Teens' Magazine Lead Educator, a blog manager(apart from mine).

They may not be bringing in much profit, but indeed Proverbs 18:16 is not just letters.

🎯 It is not just about having vision boards, but also being diligent.

It's so easy to write down goals, but carrying them out takes Grit and Diligence.

🎯 'Without God, you are nothing.'

There is a tendency to forget that along the way. Keep the fire burning. Keep the relationship stronger.

🎯 To writers (You don't have to be a writer to grab a lesson too).

Don't get discouraged because of the little number of reactions and comments, you get on your write-ups. People are reading.

You may never know that until you see their direct messages.


To everyone (those in Nigeria and those in Diaspora), thanks for being part of Araumbe's Words Family.

Lines are fallen into pleasant places for you.
You BEcome all that the Father wants you to be.
You are helped of the Lord.


Cheers to Greatness🥂🙌
We BEcome more.

Thanks for all that you were!
I'm rooting for you❤.

My Prayer through and through. Play to listen.

Do well to Subscribe too🤝


  1. Amen!!

    Thank you for being part of the family🤗

  2. Happy One Year Journey Anniversary!
    Receive more Grace for multiple keys for Kingdom purpose!!


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