The thought of which career to pursue, or which university to go to, or what to become in life, is what is on every young person's mind; whether intentionally or not.
Young Gbile Akanni, like every other young person sought to find directions. In fact, he had a lot of interesting professions in mind, but since he had come to hear God for himself, he got to know that, that was not His(God) direction for him.
When he saw that God was calling him towards ministry, he thought he should rather go to the Seminary, since that's where pastors are trained, but God had a different route in mind -he had to go to the University to study Physics.
During the time, he came to the understanding that God intends that he became a man of influence and not merely a man of affluence.
And through the hustle and bustle of choice making, he learned to trust God.
1) Most times, your route may be different from God's. Try to involve Him in the journey, to know His way for you.
2) Learn to trust God for, even, the seemingly little things; the skill to learn, the money you don't have. For every-single-thing!
3) God's plan for you is to be more of a man of influence -one who makes impact, and not merely man of affluence.
If you are also saying, "Lord, I trust you for everything; my career, academics, ministry, family, friends, and future.That I will not just be a man of affluence but a man of influence," Join me to say this prayer:
'Dearest Abba🤲, may I not end up as a mere shadow, and a smoke that troubles the eye!'
To be continued...
Remain Blessed!🤗
You're welcome!🤗