That night, I read Becoming by Michelle Obama.

Going through an e-library that I have been in for a while now. I saw someone asked to get Becoming by Michelle Obama.

Normally, I forget to go to the group until the messages are piled up, so by the time I'm looking through the book I'm seeing books that other people have asked for. I do know where to get these books if I'm intentional about getting one. So, I'm usually silent in the group.

But when I saw Becoming by Michelle Obama, I downloaded it instantly. I just love to know the thoughts of a powerful person. How they think and process things. Perhaps learn their childhood story too.

I got mixed emotions from reading the book. 

I felt empathy flowing through me, when she lost her dad, and when Barack lost his mum.

I fell in love with how her love for Barack grew. Their love for each other is so palpable. You could see what exactly Barack means to her. You could also see that she cherishes her Family as a whole.

I felt anger towards the mob. When Barack chose Family over Politics, they had the guts to say all sort of negative things.

I felt myself smiling when she became a mother, and she referred to them as the most perfect babies ever to to be born to anyone, anywhere in the world. 

Pride surged through my chest, when she, who hardly ever stood before a crowd and who never wants to hurt anyone stood to utter her speech at her first campaign event. I love that she did not mince words. She went on to introduce herself, by being herself. No hypocrisy.

I love the book so much. Maybe the synergy of words. Or the story itself. Maybe because it's Michelle. It could just be my curious self that loves to learn about anything different from what I'd known.

One of the hope that built in my heart is a strong wish to meet with her. I'm not sure what for. It could be to just watch her speak on a variety of things. Start with telling me about her childhood, and answering every single question burning in my heart.

From the book 'Becoming', I learnt a lot of things. The next few lines will be me talking lessons, and I want you to also take whatever you can. Look at it from an intelligent angle.

๐Ÿ“ Be Authentic.

Be your real self. The self that has given space for growth, and is wanting more. 

๐Ÿ“A Simple 'Yes' could change your life forever.

It could be a Yes, or a No, just know that a simple decision you make can make or mar you for life.

This is to say that while choosing to become more, be aware of the choices you make.

Earlier in 2022, I said 'Yes' to a simple matter and it got my butt on the ground. I'm still yet to recover from it. 

๐Ÿ“You should know your identity.

'Knowing who you are will help you know who you are not'  (I'm not sure if there's a particular person that made this statement, but I heard it from the last True talk by TED. It was a statement Goodness Adegbola made).

๐Ÿ“Becoming is Tough.

It's a lot of content trying to explain how tough Becoming is.

๐Ÿ“Becoming comes with a lot of Patience.

๐Ÿ“In the journey of becoming, there is a place for Preparation.

Barack had read books, newspapers, and ideas. He wasn't just made in a day.

๐Ÿ“Be grateful for your Process, never leaving out your roots. Do not forge what made you.

๐Ÿ“In the Journey of becoming, you will be opportune to meet with a lot of Epic minds. Do not feel that you have arrived to the point of missing out on learning from them.

Let me conclude with a statement she made in her book.

'Becoming is not arriving somewhere or achieving a certain goal. It's instead a forward motion, a means of evolving, 

It's a process. A journey that never ends. It unfolds gradually like a flower.'


๐Ÿ“ท Michelle Obama, my Muse.๐Ÿฅฐ
