Je m'apelle Righteousness Aremu.
You don't have to scroll back to the top to be sure if it's Righteousness, because it is. Hehehe. For the record, I'm in my right senses. I intentionally started with French, and it means; 'Welcome to 2024!!! Hi, My name is Righteousness Aremu' (In order of my writing). See! Not so hard to translate, is it?
It's great having you read from my blog. Super thankful to you! I'm the lead content writer on Araumbe's words blog. If we get to have other Authors, you'd sure be the first to know.
Araumbe's words was a name I called my blog from the onset of my blogging, and I'm yet to give it a new name. I called it Araumbe then, because my nickname is Ara, but few people call me Araumbe. Araumbe became my other name, if you were not calling me Righteousness, and so I loved it and called it Araumbe's words, after all Araumbe means 'There is wonder'.
I started blogging to pitch in my opinions in a world filled with so many other opinions. I believed that my simple way of writing would help build intentional minds, even if it's one mind at a time, and cause them to be bold in living for God, being academic and work-smart, and making thoughtful decisions in their career and relationships. I still believe so much in building intentional minds, and it will please me to have you enjoy all that I share and make your opinions, and to have you grow with me.
This short article was written to officially welcome you to 2024, and to inform you that I will be sharing more on Faith and Life in 2024 in form of Journaling, Rants, Reviews, Bible studies, and Thoughtful leading opinions. Stay tuned for it all and enjoy them with me.
Merci. Passe une Bonne Année!
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