In Physics, Power is defined as the rate of doing work.
We get work done at different rates, expending different forms of energy into a particular work.
Power can also be described as the ability to influence a situation.
Many people want so much to be in possession of control.
They want to be able to influence situations and be seen as an 'All Powerful'.
So they move to dangerous zones to get what it takes to be in 'charge'.
From the Abattoir Series (a Mount Zion Movie), we can cite an example or two.
Chief Durosanya's thirst for power made him become like the devil himself.
His wife was not the first person he killed to attain a higher position in authority.
Neither was she the last.
Since their mantra was,
'No Blood, No Glory'.
He did not even care much about his son.
Rather, he sought to initiate him into 'dangerous zones', so he could attain more power and he could be in charge.
This is so like many of us.
We might not go to such extremes as 'Sanya but thirst for power will always be thirst for power, and it will lead to the same thing if not quickly corrected.
In School, when election is about to take place, that's when you see kind seniors/students.
They start campaigns, giveaways and all sort, just to attract the attention of people.
At the end of the day when they are not chosen to be in charge, they take to violence.
They now do campaigns in Church too to become one of the Diaconates.
Some just turn nice overnight, all to gain power and to be in charge of an affair.
Then when they don't end up in the power, they become some monster.
All I'm saying is, do not let your thirst for power lead you to tread to 'dangerous zones' and become what will destroy you.
1) Going to the devil to be empowered makes one become like the devil.
You start to behave exactly like him; deceit, liar, and a murderer.
2) The power you gained from the devil is fake.
It may look like the original but it is not 'All that Glitters that's Gold'.
3) Destruction happens when you seek to gain more powers from other source apart from God.
4)Fake powers do not last.
5)All you need is to be empowered from on High.
'But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you...'
Thank you too!