Who Moved My Cheese, Authored by Dr. Spencer Johnson, is a classic parable (a succinct story written to bring home a particular lesson or lessons).
In the book, you get to read a story of four characters and how they dealt with change. These characters are so related to any individual out there because we all go through the process of change and we all have a way of dealing with change. If you are the type that when unexpected change comes your way, you get depressed or the one who motivates himself or the one who does not really allow the change to affect him in a negative way, you can only get to know in this book. Who moved my Cheese is just the book to read.
The lessons from Who moved my Cheese can be applied to all areas of your life; Work life, Relationship with people, Spiritual life, Academics, it literally gives you insights that will last you a lifetime in few pages.
The story began with a gathering of adults who were once high school friends. These adults went on about how things have changed for them, and how much they have reacted to the change in their business or family. One of them told the story of the four characters who went in search of cheese and these adults got an insight into how they are supposed to deal with change.
The four characters in the story are Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw. Each character goes through a maze every day, in search of Cheese.
The Cheese here means what you 'hustle' for, each day. Hustle might not be the right word, but it is what you want to have in your life and that you work or look for (you do whatever you can, to have it). It may be Peace of mind, food, money, success, fame, Joy, Love, Good health, et cetera.
If the Cheese would mean all that, then The Maze means where you go to look for the Cheese. It may be your Organization, your community, or the place you work.
So, these four characters would wake each day, go through the maze, searching for Cheese.
They are all a picture of the character of any person.
Sniff, just like its name, sniffs out change early and keeps on going on, in search of a new cheese, without being disturbed that the position of the cheese had been changed.
Scurry, scurries into action. Whenever there is a need to search for new opportunities, or 'new cheese,' he does not waste time in a place but moves ahead.
Hem, allowed the change to have a negative impact on his life as he did not see the good to step out of his comfort zone to do what he needs to get to the new cheese. He resisted and denied change and decided that "he ain't gonna look for no cheese," but the cheese should instead come to where he is comfortable.
Haw is like a person who is easily influenced by his peers. He is waiting for his peer to go with him in search of a new cheese until he finds out he has to be his motivation and no one else, then he adapts. Haw saw that moving out of his comfort zone to look for a new cheese would lead to something better.
Which of the characters would you be, when you are faced with change?
Would you become complacent or too comfortable with the tiny bit of success you discover or would you keep working on yourself to be more?
Would you take lessons from Sniff and Scurry if you were Hem and Haw?
Or like Hem, would you not want to try out new things? You don't want to have to stretch beyond your limits.
There is this part of you that want to try out new things but for the fear of failure, you shrink back into your shell. I understand. But, even if you do not find cheese outside of your shell, why not try it out first?
You are like Haw, most of the time, you've got the Big vision and dreams. You have this big picture painted in your head and you most likely dwell in your fantasy each day until you realize that your reality is nowhere near your fantasy. You have to take action and not only dream. Yeah 'dream bigggg,' and take action along with it.
Sometimes, you have to make difficult decisions like Haw. He left his friend, Hem. You have to leave that friend or family that is drawing you from moving forward.
If like Haw, you need affirmations and motivation to keep you moving and going, then write out affirmations and motivation.
Some quotes from 'Who Moved My Cheese:
1. If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct.
2. What Would You Do, If You Weren't Afraid?
3. Imagining Yourself Enjoying Your New Cheese Leads You To It.
4. The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Find New Cheese.
5. Old Beliefs Do Not Lead You To New Cheese.
6. It Is Safer To Search In The Maze Than Remain In A Cheeseless Situation.
7. Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old.
How do they say it?
'The Major Lessons are in the Quotes,' or is it, 'The Quotes are the Major Lessons?'
Whichever it is, you know what I mean (I hope so).
Read the quotes again and go read the book to understand clearly. I'm sure you would not leave the book until you finish reading.
Have you read 'Who Moved My Cheese' ever? How is the book? Did it feel so deep for you as it did for me?
It felt like a book that I had to discuss with someone or a group of people, -a gathering where we all have to air our opinions and insights and so I went on listening to conversations about the book on Youtube. I'm still yet to recover from the lessons. Not sure I will ever.🥺
Did you enjoy reading through, just as I had enjoyed writing? Leave a comment in the comment box, let me know if you loved the book when you read it, or if you'd love to go read it.
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