"What you should know is that, every job you get is a platform to preach Jesus and to win souls."
This is not a long read at all, but I want you to learn this before anything;
- It is not only 'Pastors' that are called to witness Christ.
- So, stop refusing to be a witness in your career.
- Understand that God called you for His purpose; to be fruitful and multiply, subduing the earth. Wherever else you find yourself, should find you fulfilling His purpose.
You get?
From Daddy Gbile Akanni's life story, I understood that the mysteries of understanding the call of God for one's life can only be revealed in the presence of God. So, if I have no relationship with God, I would just be like a chaff that the wind blows in different directions.
I love the phrase he made after he got to his NYSC Orientation Camp at Mkar, Benue State;
"O Lord, is this the 'far away land' You spoke about? I will wait and watch you lead me into everything you said."
This phrase to me, means that he wants to do it God's way. He wants God to do with him however He(God) pleases. He wants to really be all that is in the heart of the Father.
The lessons are inexhaustible, but I believe that whatever it is that you learn should not be taken with levity.
God's blessings!🤗
To be continued...
Read the Previous reviews here: REVIEW 1
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